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Dave Wallace

Red America First will feature guest Dave Wallace, a leader with 30 years in business and political activism, emphasizing family, public policy, and free enterprise. Join the event on 03/20/2024.

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Red America First Interview Thumbnail for Dave Wallace

Dave Wallace 2

Dave Wallace Joins Red America First to talk about FAIR ENERGY FOUNDATION. ITS PURPOSE is
Educate government, energy industry leaders, and next generation entrepreneurs about how free-market energy policies will produce:
Prosperity – economic opportunity, ingenuity, and rising standards of living globally
Security – economic prosperity produces, dignity, independence, and strength
Humanity – global harmony and universal respect for and among all people

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Red America First Interview Thumbnail for Dave Wallace

Dave Wallace

Red America First with Guest Speaker Dave Wallace running for Maryland’s 2nd Congressional District. Together with YOU, WE will RESTORE HARMONY & TRANQUILITY to America as One Nation Under God!

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