join us for our town hall meeting on Thursdays at 9pm EST.
Red America First

The Team Behind The Program Fighting for Freedom

Team Red America First

Red America First is a dynamic growing group of Americans who believe in the America first policy that made our country great and that guided the founders to recognized #Christian values as American values. We bring together Americans from all parts of America to support candidates that remember that they are to be of a representation of the people and for the people.

We meet weekly in our Virtual Town Halls starting at 9pm EST.

From coast to coast
America map with locations of RAF members
Ashley Weis RAF Team Member

Host and RAF Co-Founder

Ashley Weis

Christian faith, veteran who was part of Donald Trump 2016 Presidential campaign and Ron DeSantis 2018 Florida Gubernatorial campaign decided to bring faith back to America and end America last policies and candidates. 

Who are we

Our RAF Standards

Promoting America First CANDIDATES

Every American candidate should starts promoting what is best for America first. America was founded on a dream of freedom. America First candidates still support that dream. Promoting American First candidates to keep America great is priority!

Standing for American First Ideas

Many political leaders are afraid to be bold about their beliefs and their ideas. Every great movement starts with an idea of what will make the world better. America has proven what ideas work and what ideas should be passed on to the next generation to keep America great.

Publishing America First Content

The liberal media is working to steal the thoughts and minds of people with ideas that hurt America and the American family. RedAmerciaFirst will publish articles, thought papers, and research proving the America First ideas are the best ideas to lead the Nation.

Hosting america first gatherings

The founding fathers understood the value of gathering together to exchange ideas and find encouragement from one another. A group together can change the world. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming gatherings and events across the country and virtually!