Red America First with Guest Dave Wallace, with Wallace for America.
03/20/2024 – 9:00pm EST
VisitDave Wallace’s Official Website →
Family and Country – Core Values
A leader in all walks of life, but none more important than in his family life. Dave married his wife Barbara over 30 years ago. He and Barbara have three children and two grandchildren. His commitment to family and country is foundational to Dave’s vision for enterprise and engagement in public policy initiatives, particularly those in the fields manufacturing, energy, and healthcare.
Free Enterprise – Business Ventures
Dave has owned and operated his own business for over 30 years. Taught by his father, also an independent businessman, and by experience, Dave understands the challenges and rewards that come from taking calculated risks in business. From the seed of an idea to focus, planning, budgeting, team building/staffing, implementing, and deploying, Dave has been through all business cycles and stages.
- Chesapeake Kitchen Wholesalers, Inc. – founded 1995 o Manufacturer and wholesaler of countertops, cabinetry, and appliances – currently planning to expand manufacturing lines – negotiating with international suppliers.
- GreatBay Energy, Inc. – founded 2019 o Team building and pursuing opportunities in the United States and abroad.
Public Policy Engagement
Dave has been a political activist for many years with strong ties to key leaders in federal and state offices and the Republican Party. Over past decade, Dave has regularly attended weekly meetings hosted by Grover Norquist engaging in policy debate on numerous U.S. government policy issues.
Notable Political Activities and Awards
- 2019 Founder, FAIR Energy Foundation
- 2014 Republican Nominee for U.S. Congress, Maryland 8th District \
- 2014 Honorary PhD: Leadership in Liberty Studies for Latin America from OIICE
- 2014 Honorary Masters Degree: Innovation and Development of Competencies in Latin American Education (emphasis on free market rights and rule of law) from OIICE
- 2012 Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress, Maryland 8th District
- 2009-10 Maryland State Director, Jim Rutledge for U.S. Senate 2010 Campaign
- 2009 Radio Talk Show Host, WCBM Baltimore, MD (Weekly, Hour-long radio show)
- 2008 Founder, Restore America’s Mission